
(L.) in its larval phase, to explain theirfluctuations through three entomological indexes and their relationships with dengue cases inYurimaguas city, Loreto, Peru was performed. Positive housing were surveyed through threeEntomological Indexes (EI) {Index of Domiciliary Infestation or Housing Index or also named AedicIndex (AI), Container Index (CI) or Breteu Index (BI)} and the kind of container more common in 11zones of Yurimaguas city (5°53´30´´ L.S; 76°05´26´´ L.O), Loreto, Peru during 2000 to 2002. Thethree entomological indexes showed differences between all twelve evaluations performed during2000 to 2002. In the three EI had observed a tendency to decrease from April-2000 to December-2002. AI decreased in 46.82 %; CI in 67.29 % and IB decreases in 43.71 %. The cases of dengueregistered among 2000 to 2002 decreased 80.6 %. None differences between 11 zones in Yurimaguasfor AI, CI and BI were observed. The three EI: AI, BI and CI all had highly lineal correlation andpositive during all period 2000 to 2002. Only in AI and dengue cases, were found lineal correlation.In some evaluations among 2000 to 2002 existed significantly differences between ten categories ofcontainers in CI and BI. Higher values for the next four categories: 10 (useless), 9 (flower pot andflower pot stand), 6 (rubber tyre), three (barrel, cylinder, sanson) were observed. The variations ofEI during wet and dry periods were evaluated.

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