
We have performed time series analyses on more than 4500 sets of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) data, obtained from about 3600 guide stars in the period from August 1992 to December 1995. We discuss here a subset of 20 stars that were found to be variable at a high condence level. This subset contains all denite variables in our sample for which at least spectral type, B V ,o r Strcolors, respectively, are available. Our variability survey is characterized by comparably high photometric accuracy and high time resolution. The time base of a data set for a given guide star can range from half an hour to several days and even up to years in some cases. The elimination of scintillation noise in a space-borne experiment and the usage of the identical in- strument throughout the survey results in very homoge- neous data with a typical photometric precision of about 500 ppm, and with a best case of 50 ppm. Half of the cases discussed here are probably Sct variables, and two are eclipsing binaries. We have also found four K-type stars with a photometric period of a few hours, which is dicult to interpret as rotation. Currently, several space missions are in preparation, dedicated to high precision photometry with the goal of applying asteroseismic techniques to a signicant sam-

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