
Background: Micronutrients significantly impact agricultural production and are necessary for human health. Therefore, a systematic programme on identification of sources with high concentration of iron and zinc is important for overcoming the problem of micronutrient malnutrition. Therefore, present study was undertaken with the objectives (1) to find out iron and zinc concentrations and (2) to identify stable urdbean genotypes. This will be further helpful to set desirable level of iron and zinc concentrations in the upcoming urdbean varieties. Methods: The present study was conducted to evaluate 30 urdbean genotypes for variability studies of iron, zinc and protein content. The experiment was laid out in the randomized complete block design and replicated thrice at the experimental farm of Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Gurdaspur, Punjab (India) during spring 2019 and 2020. Result: Analysis of variance showed that effect due to genotypes was significant for iron, zinc and protein content as well Iron and Zinc content ranged from (28.75 ppm to 90.75 ppm) and (44.75 ppm to 60.0 ppm) respectively, while protein content ranged from (18.7 to 25.13)%. The genotype PDU1 and OBG35 possessed high level of all three nutrients viz., Fe, Zn and protein. Fe content showed significant positive correlation with Zn content suggesting that both the nutrient can be improved simultaneously. Micronutrient dense genotypes identified can be used as donar to develop nutrient enriched varieties either through conventional breeding or by using biotechnological tool like marker assisted selection.

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