
Epistreptophyllum cornutiformisGregory, 1900, is the name assigned to a Middle Jurassic population of scleractinian corals from Kachchh, western India. Measurements of ten variables from 84 specimens of this population have been statistically examined by means of univariate and multivariate analyses. A wide range of variation in corallum shape, septal perforation, lateral septal surface ornamentation, nature of the endotheca, and that of the columella is observed. The great majority of specimens are solitary. The wide range of gradational variation observed in this population corresponds to and includes the morphological characters described for various scleractinian genera such asProtethmosGregory,MetethmosGregory,FrechiaGregory, andEpistreptophyllumMilaschewitsch. The assignment of these genera to this later senior synonym genus is supported by the description of a well-preserved topotype from Nattheim. The ornamentation of the septa inEpistreptophyllumis detailed and distances it from typical pennular corals.

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