
The vestibular system enables humans to estimate self-motion, stabilize gaze and maintain posture, but these behaviors are impacted by neural noise at all levels of processing (e.g., sensory, central, motor). Despite its essential importance, the behavioral impact of noise in human vestibular pathways is not completely understood. Here, we characterize the vestibular imprecision that results from neural noise by measuring trial-to-trial vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) variability and perceptual just-noticeable differences (JNDs) in the same human subjects as a function of stimulus intensity. We used head-centered yaw rotations about an Earth-vertical axis over a broad range of motion velocities (0–65°/s for VOR variability and 3–90°/s peak velocity for JNDs). We found that VOR variability increased from approximately 0.6°/s at a chair velocity of 1°/s to approximately 3°/s at 65°/s; it exhibited a stimulus-independent range below roughly 1°/s. Perceptual imprecision (“sigma”) increased from 0.76°/s at 3°/s to 4.7°/s at 90°/s. Using stimuli that manipulated the relationship between velocity, displacement and acceleration, we found that velocity was the salient cue for VOR variability for our motion stimuli. VOR and perceptual imprecision both increased with stimulus intensity and were broadly similar over a range of stimulus velocities, consistent with a common noise source that affects motor and perceptual pathways. This contrasts with differing perceptual and motor stimulus-dependent imprecision in visual studies. Either stimulus-dependent noise or non-linear signal processing could explain our results, but we argue that afferent non-linearities alone are unlikely to be the source of the observed behavioral stimulus-dependent imprecision.

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