
Twenty stem amaranth genotypes collected previously from different eco-geographic regions of Bangladesh were assessed to evaluate variations in mineral compositions, yield and yield components, their interrelationships and direct and indirect effects on biological yield. Analysis of variance revealed significant difference among the genotypes for all the characters studied. Considering mean, range and all genetic parameters, selection could be performed on the basis of leaves per plant, leaf area, shoot weight, root weight, stem weight, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe and biological yield for significant improvement of stem amaranth genotypes. Correlation revealed that stem base diameter, shoot weight, root weight, stem weight and leaves plant-1 could significantly improve the biological yield of stem amaranth. Insignificant associations amongst mineral compositions indicated that improvement of mineral compositions was possible without compromising the loss of biological yield of stem amaranth. Path analysis revealed that direct selection based on shoot weight and root weight would be effective for yield improvement of stem amaranth. SA8 had higher yield along with calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese and zinc content and could be utilized as high yield potential mineral enriched variety. The genotypes SA1, SA2, SA3, SA5, SA7, SA8, SA13, SA18 and SA20 could be utilized in future breeding program for improvement of stem amaranth. The genotypes SA6 and SA11 might also be selected as a donor parent for introgression of potential genes of high minerals into other genotypes.

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