
The aim of this paper is to study the evolution of the architecture of the « apical system–periproct complex » of the genus Collyrites (Echinoidea, Disasteroidea) for species from the Bathonian and Callovian stages (Middle Jurassic). The studied material comes from several localities of the Paris basin. The apical system of the genus Collyrites is subdivided in two parts: (i) an anterior part composed by four genital (1, 2, 3, 4) and three ocular (II, III, IV) plates, called trivium; (ii) a posterior part composed by two ocular plates (I, V) and one genital plate (5), without gonopor, which circle the periproct, called bivium. The genital plate 5, which may collapse in the periproct, is not always visible. The Bathonian–Callovian transition is marked by a subdivision of the bivium in two parts: the periproct breaks up from the posterior ocular plates (I, V). These morphological changes are associated with architectural modifications. The trivium stays relatively stable during the Bathonian and the Callovian, but a supplementary plate may be inserted into the trivium. The bivium shows important modifications linked to the separation of the periproct and the ocular plates (I and V). Such a separation is marked by a strong development of supplementary plates, these ones keeping in connection with the periproct and the ocular plates I and V. The supplementary plates are more and more developed whereas the distance between the periproct and ocular plates increases. The connection between the trivium and the bivium is similarly provided by supplementary plates. The size of these plates seems to significantly increase between the Bathonian and the Callovian. Moreover, some specimens from the Bathonian and the Callovian may have an atypical architecture with a supplementary genital plate or a genital plate with two pores. The “extraxial axial theory” allows to recognize two types of skeleton: (i) an “axial skeleton” corresponding to ocular plates and plates of the ambulacra and interambulacra; (ii) an “extraxial skeleton” corresponding to the genital and supplementary plates, and the periproct. Architectural modifications between the Bathonian and the Callovian is a result of a more important development of the “extraxial skeleton” while the “axial skeleton” shows few modifications during this time interval.

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