
Based on self-determination theory, the Children's Intrinsic Needs Satisfaction Scale (CINSS) measures autonomy, competence and relatedness at school, home and with peers. The factor structure and criterion-related validity of the CINSS in the Canadian youth population are tested using data from the Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CSTADS). Data from the 2014/2015 CSTADS were analyzed for evidence of convergent and discriminant validity and for method variance. A multitrait multimethod (MTMM) confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to account for the conceptual structure of the measure. Criterion-related validity was demonstrated through correlations between related constructs, prosocial behaviours and behavioural problems, and the CINSS subscale scores. Mean differences on CINSS subscale scores between those who reported and did not report being bullied or bullying others were also examined. Correlation analyses demonstrated that, in general, correlations were higher between concept/context item pairs and lowest between items measuring different concepts and contexts. Cronbach's alpha for concept and context subscales were high: α = 0.77 for autonomy, α = 0.85 for competence and α = 0.79 for relatedness. A MTMM CFA demonstrated that the model fit the data well, with no modifications. Criterion-related validity was demonstrated through correlations between CINSS subscales and related concepts or mean differences on CINSS subscales between groups. The CINSS demonstrates good internal consistency, factorial validity and criterion-related validity in this sample of Canadian students. The measurement of positive mental health among Canadian youth is central to surveillance efforts which will help inform mental health promotion activities across Canada.

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