
In our previous work we established a formalism which allows one to determine the small-$x$ asymptotics of any transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution function (TMD PDF) of the proton at small values of strong coupling. In this paper we apply this formalism to the valence quark transversity TMD. We relate the valence quark transversity to the transversely polarized dipole scattering amplitude, written in terms of the fundamental transversely-polarized "Wilson line" operator, an expression for which we derive explicitly as well. We then write down the evolution equation for the transversely polarized dipole amplitude. Solving that equation we arrive at the following small-$x$ asymptotics of the valence quark transversity in the large-$N_c$ limit: \begin{align} h_{1T}^v (x, k_T^2) \sim h_{1T}^{\perp \, v} (x, k_T^2) \sim \left( \frac{1}{x} \right)^{-1 + 2 \, \sqrt{\frac{\alpha_s \, N_c}{2 \, \pi}} } . \notag \end{align} This result is in agreement with one of the two possible small-$x$ asymptotics for the transverse structure function found previously by Kirschner, Mankiewicz, Sch\"{a}fer, and Szymanowski.


  • Quark transversity transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution function (TMD PDF) is an interesting and important object to study [1,2,3,4,5,6]

  • A fundamental quantity in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) which is employed in the searches of physics beyond the Standard Model

  • In our previous paper [9] we developed a general method for determining the small-x asymptotics of quark TMDs

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Quark transversity transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution function (TMD PDF) is an interesting and important object to study [1,2,3,4,5,6]. The evolution equation for the transversely-polarized flavor nonsinglet dipole operator is derived in Sec. IVA and solved in Sec. IV B, leading to the small-x asymptotics of valence quark transversity given in Eq (73) in the large-Nc limit and in the DLA. The second possibility found in [22] is h1ðx; Q2Þ ∼ ð1=xÞ0, which resulted from resumming the leading logarithms in x (LLA), that is, powers of αs lnð1=xÞ: such terms are outside of the DLA precision employed here At the moment it appears that the LLA kernel should enter the evolution equation(s) as an additive correction to the DLA kernel.

Operator evolution
Solution of the evolution equations for the transversely polarized dipole
An alternative derivation
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