
In anaesthetized cats, sixty-two vagal sensory units with afferent endings in the lower oesophageal sphincter were recorded by means of extracellular glass micro-electrodes implanted in the nodose ganglion. All the receptors had non-medullated fibres, with conduction velocities ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 m/s. From the direct stimulation of the lower oesophageal sphincter, three types of mechanoreceptors were identified. Thirty-one were activated by natural stimuli:tonic contraction of the sphincter and distension elicited by the passage of a bolus. Artificial stimulation effected by digital compression was also effective. These receptors were similar to muscular endings already described in the digestive tract. Their main characteristic, i.e. their slow adaptation, suggests that they act as sensors of sphincter opening and closure. This was corroborated by observations obtained during distension of the cervical or thoracic oesophagus; a maximum decrease occurred in the lower oesophageal sphincter mechanoreceptor discharge when the distension was produced between 9 and 12 cm from the lower oesophageal sphincter. Twenty-nine endings were found in the superficial layers (mucosae). Contrary to the muscular receptors, the mucosal receptors were not affected by normal contractions or distensions of the lower oesophageal sphincter. They were activated only by strong stimuli like digital compression or distension achieved with a balloon. In addition, mucosal stroking was a potent stimulus. Whatever the stimulus used, the mucosal receptors showed rather rapidly adapting discharges. These receptors should be considered to be sensors of bolus consistency. Two mechanoreceptors, located in the serous membrane of the lower oesophageal sphincter, were identified by touching or by stretching. Their discharges showed that they belonged to the rapidly adapting type. A comparison of the three types of receptors found in the lower oesophageal sphincter is made with known digestive endings and their possible role is discussed.

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