
Brucellosis is an endemic world wide zoonosis, affecting both human and animals. It is caused by bacteria belonging to genus Brucella. There is host specificity in Brucella species, however selective and restricted inter species transmission is also reported causing zoonosis. In human brucellosis is mainly caused by Brucella melitensis followed by Brucella abortus. Brucella melitensis is more virulent than Brucella abortus and first to cause human brucellosis. It is responsible for caprine brucellosis and goats residing in close vicinity to human are main source of infection. This can be avoided be the use of safe and effective vaccination of goat population. There is an effective vaccine for the caprine vaccination ie. Rev.1, however it has hazardous to human, thus its use is not recommended in many of the countries. Under such circumstances development and trials of various traditional and advanced vaccines have been attempted. These have been summarized and discussed on merit and demerit basis in present paper with a possibility to obtain safe and effective vaccine against Brucella melitensis.

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