
Background. Ectopic are 3% of all pregnancies, with 4.1–10% of them entailing lethal consequences, which exposes the imperfection of current operative techniques. v-NOTES (vaginal— natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery) is an emerging surgical technique offering solutions to achieve a good aesthetic effect coupled with a minimally invasive intervention and fewer trocar-associated complications. This article presents our first clinical experience with v-NOTES in a patient with tubal pregnancy.Clinical case description. Patient V., 28 yo, a first-time pregnancy, admitted emergently with complaints of genital bloody discharge and abdominal pain. Beta-hCG 2,200 mU/mL on examination, with a 48-h increase by 400 U. In ultrasound (US): pregnancy not located in uterine cavity, an inclusion (gestational sac?) visualised extraovarially on the right from uterus. Progressive right tubal pregnancy in repeated US.The patient was advised with v-NOTES as a surgical procedure. An informed voluntary consent has been obtained.A posterior colpotomy with intra-abdominal port placement was performed under endotracheal anaesthesia in lithotomy position. CO2 insufflation to 14 mmHg. Laparoscopy revealed about 30 mL liquid blood in Douglas pouch of abdominal cavity; sanitated. Ampulla of right fallopian tube contained a 2.5 x 1.5 cm bluish-coloured gestational sac. Right antegrade tubectomy performed with ultrasonic scissors and a bipolar clamp for the specimen evacuation via port. Colporrhaphy. Blood loss 35 mL, surgery time 35 min. Pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score 2 in first postoperative 24 h. The patient was discharged on day 2.Conclusion. v-NOTES is an emerging surgical technique alternative to laparoscopic access, which combines the benefits of minimal invasiveness and good aesthetics. More surgical practice and multicentre trials are necessary to draw definitive conclusions.

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