
The uveal vascular bed is the largest vascular system in the eye and has a role in supplying almost every tissue in the eyeball. This makes it the most important ocular vascular system. This is an up-to-date review of the literature of the entire uveal vascular bed in health based on detailed anatomy of the posterior ciliary arteries (PCAs), anterior ciliary arteries, cilioretinal arteries, and vortex veins. Although postmortem injection cast preparations gave us useful information on the morphology of the choroidal vascular bed; in vivo studies showed that they misled us for centuries about the in vivo situation. According to the postmortem cast studies, the uveal vascular bed has no segmental distribution, the uveal vessels anastomose freely with one another, there are inter-arterial and arteriovenous anastomoses in the choroid, and the choriocapillaris form a freely communicating and an uninterrupted vascular bed in the entire choroid.

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