
In this paper we analyze SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) observations of the sungrazing cometC/2001C2,amemberoftheKreutzfamily,observedon2001February7atheliocentricdistancesof4.98and 3.60 R� . This comet apparently went through sequential fragmentation events along its path: further indication of fragmentation processes is provided by UVCS observations, which show the presence of two separate tails in the 4.98 Rdata set, which we interpret as two fragments unresolved by LASCO images, one of which sublimates before reaching 3.60 R� . The cometary hydrogen Lysignal, decaying exponentially with time, has been inter- preted in terms of the H2O outgassing rate and the interactions of coronal protons with atoms created by the photodissociation of water. However, one of the fragments shows an additional Lycontribution, constant with time, which adds to the temporally decaying signal. This contribution has been ascribed to the sublimation of pyroxene dust grains, whose end products neutralize coronal protons via charge exchange processes. Hence, the twofragmentshavedifferentcomposition;differencesthroughoutthecometbodymayhavebeentheprimarycause for the comet fragmentation. Subject headingg comets: general — comets: individual (C/2001 C2) — ultraviolet: general

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