
Aims: This study aimed to determine the effective percentage of telang leaf meal on feed to increase antioxidant levels in tilapia liver feed.
 Study Design: A total of 12 aquariums with sizes 60 x 40 x 40 cm3and volume 96 L prepared and filled with 30 L water. Heater was installed and the temperature was raised slowly until it reached 34℃. Feed in the form of a mixture of telang leaf flour and commercial feed was given 3 times a day according to treatment and with the provisions of 3% of body weight of fish per day. Analysis of antioxidant levels was analyzed from the content of the superoxide dismutase enzyme as an antioxidant bioindicator in the body of the fish.
 Place and Duration of Study: The cultivation was carried out at Ciparanje Hatchery and Fisheries Area, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Padjadjaran and Dismutase Superoxide Level Analysis was carried out at the Central Laboratory of Universitas Padjadjaran in June and July 2019.
 Methodology: This research was carried out by giving high temperatures as a source of stress, for 40 days. Tilapia were given a mixture of telang leaf meal as a source of anti-oxidants. At the end of research, Test liver fish taken superoxide dismutase levels were observed and analyzed descriptively. Daily growth and survival rate of fish were analysed using F test at 5% level, and if there were significant differences, Duncan's test was performed.
 Results: By giving heat stress continuously for 40 days the result is obtained the highest average superoxide dismutase level in treatment B (telang leaf meal 5%) as much -0.92 inhibition and lowest in treatment D (telang leaf meal 15%). A decrease in SOD levels identifies a decrease in antioxidant activity in the body of Tilapia. Daily growth rate obtained showed no significant difference. The fish will continue to grow but not as rapidly, because tilapia utilize protein up to 40% of commercial feed used to repair cells damaged during stressful periods and as a source of energy. Survival of fish decreases with increasing concentration of telang leaf flour, where the feed given has been mixed and resulted in the fish's response to the feed decreases, consequently not only the fish adapted to the environment, fish also adapt to new types of feed.
 Conclusion: Based on the results of research that has been done then conclusions can be drawn that the addition of telang leaf mealup to 15% in commercial feed by giving heat stress since the beginning of the culture period does not provide an effect of increasing antioxidant levels.

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