
In order to investigate the utility of therapeutic monitoring of mexiletine aided by the saliva drug levels, serum (total and unbound fraction) and saliva drug concentrations were measured in six inpatients with ventricular arrhythmia who were given an oral daily dose of 150 or 300 mg (t. i. d.) of mexiletine hydrochloride.Mexiletine levels in saliva were consistently much higher than the levels in serum of the patients. Saliva level to total and unbound serum drug concentration ratio (S/S ratio) varied markedly among patients from 4.5 to 32.0 and from 9.6 to 68.6, respectively, on the first day of medication. The predicted levels of mexiletine in the serum on day 7 and day 14 using the mean S/S ratio obtained on the first day of medication were almost identical to the observed levels in three of these patients, who showed a small ratio of saliva to total serum concentration, less than about 9 (or 21 for the ratio to unbound concentration). There was no correlation between the mexiletine level in saliva and the salivary flow rate.Four patients who received the drug at a daily dose of 300mg showed almost favorable trough drug levels in the serum total fraction ranging from 0.164 to 0.583 μg/ml, and ventricular premature contraction (VPC) in these patients was almost completely reduced (94.7-100.0%), except for one non-responder. Two patients who received 150 mg of the drug showed steady-state trough levels in the serum total fraction of less than 0.1μg/ml and the VPC of one of these two patients was hardly controlled. We, therefore, increased the daily dose to 300 mg in this patient, who was well controlled thereafter.From these findings, it is suggested that it may be possible to estimate the serum mexiletine levels from the saliva drug levels by using the initial S/S ratios inpatients with ratios of less than about 9.

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