
The volatility of cryptocurrencies and exclusivity of crypto communities has made cryptocurrency investment inaccessible for common people. With machine learning, harnessing social media trends that affect price in a random field like cryptocurrency will provide everybody the ability to earn money. Although existing research utilizes sentiment analysis to label posts based solely on English, this project will use NLP to perform stance detection with respect to a certain entity to make predictions. The second part of this project will apply this stance detection to real-world prices, using an RNN to turn stance data into price data. The stance detection model, RoBERTa, reached an accuracy of 80%. An independent price prediction model using an RNN achieved a mean absolute error of $1144, a relatively minimal error considering that the price of crypto reaches $60000. This endeavor proves the difficulty in proving cryptocurrency prices, but the model's steady improvement indicates that future work on social media trends may be promising after all.

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