
During the first five-year plan in the USSR the following tasks were set: to mobilize the activity of the working masses, to ensure early implementation of the plan, to develop field and horticulture, to mobilize funds, to eliminate illiteracy. This study, based on various sources, shows the role of the special contingent in creating a strong industrial potential of the country in remote areas with harsh climatic conditions. The author noted the contribution of special settlers in the economic development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, where the main industries were fishing, logging, livestock, hunting, reindeer husbandry and horticulture. It can be argued that the state has focused on the development of the fishing, forestry and woodworking industries. The work of special settlers created the basis for further industrial development of the region, new settlements were built, the social base was developed. It should be noted that the special settlers were carriers and keepers of the traditional culture of the region from which they came from: methods of land cultivation, production of tools, etc. In this connection, the special settlers played a particularly important role in the growth of agricultural production in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.


  • В годы первой пятилетки в СССР были поставле- During the first five-year plan in the USSR the folны следующие задачи: мобилизовать активность lowing tasks were set: to mobilize the activity of трудящихся масс, обеспечить досрочное выпол- the working masses, to ensure early implementaнение плана, развить полеводство и огородниче- tion of the plan, to develop field and horticulture, ство, мобилизовать денежные средства, ликвиди- to mobilize funds, to eliminate illiteracy

  • Автором отмечен вклад спецпересе- development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonoленцев в хозяйственное освоение территории mous Okrug – Yugra, where the main industries Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры, were fishing, logging, livestock, hunting, reindeer где основными отраслями являлись рыболовство, husbandry and horticulture

  • It can be argued that лесозаготовки, животноводство, охота, оленевод- the state has focused on the development of the ство и огородничество

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В годы первой пятилетки в СССР были поставле- During the first five-year plan in the USSR the folны следующие задачи: мобилизовать активность lowing tasks were set: to mobilize the activity of трудящихся масс, обеспечить досрочное выпол- the working masses, to ensure early implementaнение плана, развить полеводство и огородниче- tion of the plan, to develop field and horticulture, ство, мобилизовать денежные средства, ликвиди- to mobilize funds, to eliminate illiteracy. ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ТРУДА СПЕЦПЕРЕСЕЛЕНЦЕВ В ХОЗЯЙСТВЕННОМ ОСВОЕНИИ ХАНТЫМАНСИЙСКОГО АВТОНОМНОГО ОКРУГА – ЮГРЫ USING THE EMPLOYMENT OF MIGRANTS IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE KHANTYMANSIYSK AUTONOMOUS OKRUG – YUGRA Автором отмечен вклад спецпересе- development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonoленцев в хозяйственное освоение территории mous Okrug – Yugra, where the main industries Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры, were fishing, logging, livestock, hunting, reindeer где основными отраслями являлись рыболовство, husbandry and horticulture.

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