
New optical high-resolution (R 50 000) spectra of the star HD 327083 are reported in this paper. The Balmer and Fell lines show P Cygni profiles while He I lines are all in pure absorption, resembling the spectra of the Luminous Blue Variable HR Carinae. However, the blue absorption components of the Balmer lines are more pronounced and the Fe II lines are less numerous and less intense in HD 327083. A spectroscopic analysis of the Balmer lines (Hα, Hβ, Hy and H6) with a non-LTE wind model has been performed. The derived stellar parameters for HD 327083 are: log(L * /L O . ) = 6.0, T * = 11 500 K, M = 8.0 × 10 - 5 M O ./yr and He/H = 0.2 (by number). From these results we concluded that HD 327083 is a superluminous object in an evolved phase of an evolutive track of M Z A M S ∼ 60 M O .. It is likely to be about to enter in a Luminous Blue Variable phase.

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