
Quality water plays a huge role in human life. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in water bodies is a direct reflection of the population size of the primary productivity of various phytoplankton species in the water body and can provide critical information on the health of water ecosystems and the pollution status of water quality. Case 2 Regional CoastColour (C2RCC) is a networked atmospheric correction processor introduced by the Sentinel Application Platform for various remote sensing products. Among them, the Extreme Case-2 Waters (C2X) process has demonstrated advantages in inland complex waters, enabling the generation of band data, conc_chl product for Chl-a, and kd_z90max product for Secchi Depth (SD). Accurate in situ data are essential for the development of reliable Chl-a models, while in situ data measurement is limited by many factors. To explore and improve the uncertainties involved, we combined the C2X method with Sentinel-2 imagery and water quality data, taking lakes in Wuhan from 2018 to 2021 as a case. A Chl-a model was developed and validated using an empirical SD model and a neural network incorporating Trophic Level Index (TLI) to derive the predicted correction result, Chl-a_t. The results indicated that (1) the conc_chl product measured by C2X and in situ Chl-a exhibited consistent overall trends, with the highest correlation observed in the range of 2–10 μg/L. (2) The corrected Chl-a_t using the conc_chl product had a mean absolute error of approximately 10–15 μg/L and a root-mean-square error of approximately 8–10 μg/L, while using in situ Chl-a had a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of approximately 15 μg/L and a mean absolute error (MAE) of approximately 20 μg/L; both errors decreased by double after correction. (3) The correlation coefficient (R) between Chl-a_t and each data point in the Chl-a model results was lower than that of SD-a_t with each data point in the SD model results. Additionally, the difference in R-value between Chl-a_t and each data point (0.45–0.60) was larger than that of SD-a_t with each data point (0.35–0.5). (4) When using corrected Chl-a_t data to calculate the TLI estimation model, both RMSE and MAE decreased, which were 1μg/L lower than those derived from uncorrected data, while R increased, indicating an improvement in accuracy and reliability. These findings demonstrated the presence of in situ errors in Chl-a measurements, which must be acknowledged during research. This study holds practical significance as some of these errors can be effectively corrected through the use of C2X atmospheric correction on spectral bands.

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