
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disproportionately affected racial/ethnic minorities in the United States, who are underrepresented in clinical trials. We assessed the feasibility of using the University of Pennsylvania Health System electronic health record patient portal to diversify the pool of participants in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. The patient portal was used to send invitations to eligible individuals living in zip codes with high rates of racial/ethnic minorities. The 5614 invited consisted of 96.7% black, 1.3% Hispanic/Latinx, and 1.5% white. The overall response rate was 5.4%, with lower response rates among Black (3.8%) and Hispanic/Latinx (9.6%) as compared to white individuals (91.6%). Among respondents, black individuals had lower rates of interest in participating (26.7%), as compared to white (65.8%) and Hispanic/Latinx (71.4%) individuals. Of 115 respondents who expressed interest, 9 enrolled in the clinical trial, which included 6 black, 3 white, and 1 Hispanic/Latinx. During phone outreach to nonresponders and decliners, common reasons for declining included mistrust of the COVID-19 vaccine, underlying health conditions, and logistical barriers to trial participation. Because of low rates of patient portal account activation and use, compounded with vaccine hesitancy, this method yielded a small number of interested individuals.

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