
We present the uses that the Maya of Tixcacaltuyub and Tixpeual, Yucatan, Mexico, have for the trees and shrubs of their surrounding tropical dry and deciduous forests; we add the uses for trees and shrubs in their homegardens, because they complement their basic needs. A total of 301 shrubs and tree species were present either in the forest or homegardens sampled; 222 species (73.7%) have at least one reported use. The species with more uses are: Bursera simaruba (10), Gliricidia sepium (10), Cordia dodecandra (9), Plumeria rubra (7), Caesalpinia gaumeri (7), Vitex gaumeri (7), Enterolobium cyclocarpum (7), and Piscidia piscipula (7). More species (152/69.7%) are classified for medical purposes, followed by apiculture (87/39.9%), food (66/30.3%), fuel (38/17.4%), building (41/18.8%) and timber (25/11.5%). Despite the lack of important commercial species (timber, fruit) in this type of tropical forest, we discuss the importance of the tropical dry forest of Yucatan as an area where management could lead to sustainable production of honey, deer and building material for houses.

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