
Various types of column packings were evaluated for use in the gas chromatography determination of ppm concentrations of ethylene glycol in aqueous systems. The columns were evaluated by determining specific retention volumes and observing peak shapes for progressively smaller concentrations of ethylene glycol in water injected on to the column. An increase in the specific retention volume, accompanied by significant peak tailing, was taken to indicate that quantitative analysis would not be feasible below a certain concentration range, because of chemisorptive effects. The most desirable column for quantitative analysis at trace levels (10 ppm or more injected on to the column) was selected on the of comparative evaluation. Acid- washedd and silane-treated diatomaceous supports coated with Carbowax 20M, uncoated porous polymers (Chromosorb 101 and 102), and Chromosorb 102 coated with Carbowax 20M were considered unsatisfactory, Super-Pak 20 M coated with Carbowax 20M was marginally successful, while Chromatosorb 101 coated with Carbowax 20M was clearly the column packing of choice. these results are discussed in terms of column support adsorption effects.

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