
Three populations of 41 to 74 homozygous recombinant substitutionlines (RSLs) were used for RFLP mapping and quantitative trait analysis ofthe following parameters: total proteins (%prot), SDS-sedimentationvolume (SDSsed), bread mixing time (Bmxt) and loaf volume (Blvol). TheRSLs were developed from crosses between disomic substitution linesinvolving chromosomes 1A, 1B, and 1D of the high-quality wheat cv.`Cheyenne' (Cnn) substituted into the genetic background of the poorquality cv. `Chinese Spring' (CS). The QTL analysis indicated regions in thethree chromosomes responsible for the differences between CS and thethree disomic substitution lines. The major effect detected on chromosome1A of Cnn was high SDSsed, Bmxt and Blvol associated with the H-M-WGlutenin subunit locus Glu-A1. In addition a QTL was identifieddistally on the long arm of chromosome 1A for Bmxt and Blvol. Ahigh %prot QTL was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1B of CSand a high Bmxt QTL was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1B ofCnn. Additionally, this chromosome enhanced SDSsed, Bmxt and Blvol,which were associated with the region of the gliadin and L-M-W Gluteninsubunit locus Gli-B1/Glu-B3. A second more proximal region on theshort arm of chromosome 1B could be involved in loaf volume. QTLanalyses for% prot, showed a strong clear QTL mapped in the centromericregion (XTri/Centromere linkage group) of chromosome 1D with anapparent positive effect brought by CS. For Blvol we revealed two QTLs inopposite phase: one in the Xtri/Centromere region with a positive effect ofCS allele, one in the Glu-D1 region with a positive effect of Cnnallele. This organization `in repulsion' in the parental lines could explain thesmall difference between them for Blvol and the significant transgressionobserved among the RSLs. No clear candidate gene explained the positiveeffect of the centromeric region of CS on %prot and Blvol. Contrary to thecurrent belief that wheat bread-making quality is determined primarily byvariation at the Glu-1 locus, present results showed that the trait isunder a complex control and the Glu-1 loci was only a component ofthe genetic control of the trait.

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