
Battery replacement or revision surgery for neuromodulation implants is conventionally performed using sharp dissection. Meticulous dissection within thick scar tissue is vital to avoid damage to surrounding lead(s), which could result in more extensive revision surgery. Traditional electrosurgery devices are contraindicated as the emitted energy can be transferred to the hardware, resulting in implant or tissue damage with severe consequent complications. We report our experience and potential applications of a novel, pulsed monopolar radiofrequency energy device (PEAK PlasmaBlade, Medtronic PLC, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), which facilitates dissection around implants without the risk of damaging or transmitting energy through the system. We conducted a 2-center retrospective study to review the indications, safety, and efficacy of the PlasmaBlade in 57 cases requiring either neuromodulation system replacement or revision. Deep brain stimulator (DBS) battery replacements were undertaken in 45 cases, 8 vagal nerve stimulator battery revisions, 2 intrathecal baclofen system revision, 1 DBS extension revision, and 1 DBS scar revision around the cranial portion of the lead. All cases proceeded without adverse event or damage to lead/generator and with a subjective and objective impression of significant time savings. Average operating times for battery replacements were reduced from 37 to 26 minutes (P= 0.015). In our experience, the PlasmaBlade is safe to use in revising/replacing neuromodulation implants. We observed no damage or transmission of energy to the implants or leads; additional advantages of the system include reduced operating times, less damage to surrounding tissue, and the potential to facilitate revision procedures in awake patients under local anesthesia.

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