
The aim of study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Kanefron with uncomplicated cystitis in women in clinical practice. Patients and methods. In our work was attended by 22 women with a diagnosis of acute uncomplicated cystitis. The mean age was 29,0 ± 1,8 years (from 19 to 51 years. The criteria of effectiveness were changes in symptoms and laboratory parameters according to the urinary tests at Kanefron monotherapy. Results. After treating by Kanefron there were observed significant improvement in symptoms of acute cystitis. Before treatment the average symptom score was 8,05 ± 0,7 points, on the 3rd day of treatment it significantly decreased to 5,1 ± 1,0 points (p < 0,05) on day 7 of treatment it was up to 2, 9 ± 1,0 points, in the phase of observation of 37 days after initiation of therapy by Kanefron othe average score of symptoms was 0,1 ± 0,3 points. Frequency leukocyturia on the 7 day of treatment according to a study by urine microscopy was 83.3%, and by the 37 th day after the start of Kanefron (phase monitoring) significantly decreased to 37,5% (p < 0,05). Kanefron showed statistically significant antibacterial activity in acute cystitis. Prior to initiating therapy the growth of microorganisms at a titer of more than 100 000 units was detected in 72.7% of patients after 2 weeks of treatment (on day 37 of observation) - in 28,6% of patients (p < 0,05). Conclusions. Our results suggest that Kanefron can be an effective and well-tolerated alternative treatment of uncomplicated infections of the lower urinary tract in women, allowing to reduce the use of antibiotics. Appointment of the drug as a monotherapy Kanefron acute cystitis and duration of treatment requires further study and discussion.

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