
The purpose of article is development of technology and selection of the necessary equipment and chemical materials for fight against asfalt, resin and paraffin deposits. The way of prevention and elimination of deposits of paraffin and asphaltic substances on the borehole equipment of oil wells by complex effect of chemical reagents and thermal heating of a zone of adjournment is offered. It is specified problems of thermodynamic changes of rather phase condition of a stream and their account at establishment of technological operating modes of wells and use of new effective chemical reagent is proved. The choice of chemical reagent for prevention of adjournment of paraffin, pitches and asphaltenes for each field is individual. Even on certain wells within one field the selection is carried out after studying conditions of adjournment and their physical and chemical structure that causes a large amount of reagents and technologies which are recommended for using on fields of Ukraine. As a result of researches the established efficiency of use of Twin-80 inhibitor which mechanism of action is in what in the presence of Twin-80 water contacts to microcrystals of paraffin and salts moistens them, prevents their adhesion and adjournment on walls of pipes. The technology of cleaning of the equipment consists in constant or periodic supply of reagents to the well. The experimental copy of the borehole electric heater by means of which there is a cleaning of a column of lifting pipes by the principle of dot and plane heating is developed and manufactured. As a result of use of technology of complex action for prevention and elimination of asfalt, resin and paraffin deposits the technical result – the accelerated cleaning of a trunk of the well and the borehole equipment, increase in efficiency of its operation and economy of the electric power turns out.

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