
The single most important technical factor in plant-based bioactive products is the limited understanding of active compounds responsible for claimed therapeutic effects. Quality control of intermediate and final products, among many others, generates difficulties for understanding the nature of plant-based products. Although many methodologies have been developed, only few have been successful, due in particular to the poor relevance of employed chemical markers in actual biological effects. We have been trying to develop more biologically relevant assays for the quality control of botanical products. In this method, primary cells or cell lines are used to test effects of particular botanical therapeutics on biologically relevant markers in a quantitative manner, allowing for the calculation of specific activities or IC50/EC50 of botanical preparations. We will show the actual examples of using cell-based bioassays for the quality control of bioactivities of two botanical products, PG102, an anti-allergic agent prepared from hardykiwi fruits, and PG201 prepared from 12 herbs used for arthritis. Cell-based bioassays, especially when combined with other conventional analytical tools, may provide a powerful tool for controlling the quality of botanical mixtures and contribute to the more scientific management of plant-derived drugs and nutraceutical products.

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