
Galaxias maculatus is a diadromous riparian-spawning fish that supports an important fishery. Eggs develop terrestrially as with several other teleost fishes. Spawning habitat occurs in specific locations near rivermouths and its protection is a conservation priority. However, quantifying the areas involved is hampered by high egg mortality rates on degraded waterway margins. We hypothesised that temporary artificial habitat would detect spawning in these situations producing a useful indicator for riparian management. We installed arrays of straw bales as artificial habitat in two independent experiments over consecutive years and assessed their impact using pairwise Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) experimental designs. We tested degraded gaps within the distribution of known spawning sites and also areas further upstream and downstream. Nine spawning occurrences were recorded on artificial habitats in 2015, 22 in 2016, and two on paired controls. Both experiments produced a significant effect for artificial habitats deployed in degraded gaps within the known spawning site distribution (p = 0.0001) providing evidence that these locations should be regarded as actual or potential spawning sites. In 2016 the technique also produced a significant effect downstream of known sites in one of the study catchments (p = 0.0375). We believe the use of artificial habitats as a detection tool could be useful in a variety of management contexts. These include identifying areas for protection, as confirmation of site suitability prior to making restoration investments, and in investigations to support the migration of habitats to new locations under climate change, since these may currently be degraded.

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