
The mechanisms by which rhizosphere bacteria increase the availability of mineral P precipitates for plant use are understudied. However, Paraburkholderia bryophila Ha185 is known to solubilize inorganic phosphate in vitro via a novel process. Therefore, this study aimed to demonstrate P solubilization by Ha185 in association with roots of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). We developed a gnotobiotic plant assay to assess P solubilization by Ha185 on ryegrass roots under various nutrient conditions. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged derivative of Ha185 was used in conjunction with fluorescent microscopy and confocal microscopy to visualize colonization of ryegrass roots. Ha185 solubilized mineral P (hydroxyapatite) in association with ryegrass roots and increased ryegrass growth by 20% under P-limited conditions. The GFP-tagged Ha185 strain colonized the rhizoplane and penetrated the primary root of ryegrass, possibly through “crack entry” at the point of lateral root emergence, but also by entering the epidermal cells via root hairs. Ha185 supported ryegrass growth under P-limited conditions, indicating this strain may improve availability of soil P for uptake by ryegrass. Tools developed in this study have broad application in the study of rhizobacteria-plant interactions.

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