
: Single-subject (male, 16 years of age) case. To demonstrate a suitable method for oesophageal repair after perforation as a complication of anterior spinal fusion in an individual with quadriplegia, and to review the literature on oesophageal perforation and repair. University hospital, large trauma centre with departments for spinal injuries and reconstructive surgery in Germany. A free jejunal graft used for oesophageal reconstruction in a post-traumatic situation after a complicated treatment course in a C6 quadriplegic patient. A protuberant loose screw of the titanium plate after anterior spinal fusion perforated the oesophagus. Imbricating sutures and a fascia lata patch were insufficient to repair the oesophageal leakage. An 8 cm long segment of the cervical oesophagus including a fistula had to be excised, and a free microsurgical jejunal flap was used for restitution of continuity. The jejunal vessels were connected to the superior thyroid artery and external jugular vein. At 1 week after the oesophageal repair, an enteral contrast study showed a small amount of contrast medium leaking at the oesophago-pharyngeal anastomosis. A percutaneous gastric tube was inserted, and oral feeding was limited to tea and still water for 4 weeks. The further course was uneventful. Oesophageal perforation is a rare but recognized complication after cervical spine surgery, which can mostly be managed using secondary suture techniques. The free jejunal flap is a reliable and innovative tool in the particularly complex situation of a segmental oesophageal loss. It should be considered in similar cases to reconstruct oesophageal continuity or to treat stricture and fistula formations.

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