
Mozita is an application used by midwives to record and report the toddler nutritional status in the local health center (Puskesmas). In addition to nutritional status information, Mozita can present information that is used by heads of puskesmas, district health offices and provincial health offices for monitoring and decision making in terms of health policy based on nutritional status. To be able to increase application usage, feedback from users is needed. With USE Questionnaire-based usability testing covering aspects of Usefulness, Satisfaction and Easy of Use. Usability testing is focused on the interaction part of the user interface (midwife), as the main source of data collection. This study used 15 midwife respondents who were randomly drawn from puskesmas in the city area of Semarang. The technique used to measure usability testing is to provide an explanation and guidelines for using the Mozita application before respondents fill in the questionnaire using a Likert scale from 1 to 7. The questionnaire used is equipped with in-depth interviews for question items whose Likert scale value is less than equal to 3 The indepth interview aims to provide a focus on improving the Mozita application interface to suit user needs. The results of usability testing that has been done on the Mozita application shows that the value of the Usefulness component is 84.52%, Easy of Use is 83.53%, Easy of Learning is 80.95%, and Satisfaction is 85.03%. Based on the value of each component measured shows that the Mozita application has a high usability value that is equal to 83.52%, and makes it easy for users to carry out work more efficiently. Some user feedback related to satisfaction aspects, especially in the Mozita application layout section is still simple needs to be done for a better layout design.

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