
The relations between the United States and Pakistan (US-Pakistan relations) have a very tumultuous history, which is spread over nearly six decades. Owing to the diverse strategic and, sometimes, incompatible strategic interests, these relations have seen various engagements and estrangements. This paper aims at exploring the role played by the geostrategic and geopolitical factors in bringing US closer to Pakistan. It takes into account the cost and benefits of these relations for Pakistan and the United States. It also highlights the present warmth in relations between the United States and Pakistan in the perspective of geo-strategic and geopolitical factors. It also discusses the future prospects of these relations.Key words: US-Pakistan Relations; Geostrategic factors; Geopolitical factors Resume: Les relations entre les Etats-Unis et le Pakistan (les relations americano-pakistanaises) ont une histoire tres tumultueuse, qui s'etale sur pres de six decennies. En raison des strategies diverses et, parfois, des interets strategiques incompatibles, ces relations ont vu des engagements et des brouilles varies. Le present article vise a etudier le role de la geostrategie et des facteurs geopolitiques qui ramenent les Etats-Unis plus proches du Pakistan. Il prend en compte le cout et les avantages de ces relations pour le Pakistan et les Etats-Unis. Il souligne egalement le rechauffement present dans les relations entre les Etats-Unis et le Pakistan dans la perspective de geostrategie et des facteurs geopolitiques. Il aborde egalement les perspectives futures de ces relations.Mots-Cles: relations americano-pakistanaises; facteurs geostrategiques; facteurs geopolitiques

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