
Neutron and high-energy x-ray diffraction measurements have been performed on multi-component55SiO2·10B2O3·25Na2O·5BaO·ZrO2 borosilicate host glassloaded with 30 wt% UO3. Both the traditional Fourier transformation technique and the reverse Monte Carlosimulation of the experimental data have been applied to get structural information.It was established that the basic network structure consists of tetrahedralSiO4 units and of mixedtetrahedral BO4 and trigonal BO3 units, similar to the corresponding host glass. Slight changes have been observed in theoxygen surroundings of the Na and Zr modifier cations; both the Na–O and Zr–Odistances decrease and a more compact short-range structure has been obtainedcompared to the host glass. For the U–O correlations two distinct peaks wereresolved at 1.84 and 2.24 Å, and for higher distances intermediate-range correlationswere observed. Significant correlations have been revealed between U and thenetwork former Si and B atoms. Uranium ions take part in the network forming,which may be the reason for the observed good glassy stability and hydrolyticproperties.

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