
. Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) based pastures were fertilised with sodium selenite at 9 rates from 0 to 800 g Se/ha on 2 sites in 1983. In order to measure the residual value in 1984 and 1985, further applications of sodium selenite were superimposed on the original 9 treatments. Green pasture was sampled annually, dry pasture was sampled once, only in 1984 and the concentration of selenium in the pasture was measured. The sampled pasture was sorted into 2 components: subterranean clover, and non-subterranean clover. Except for the third site that had a quadratic response for the non-subterranean clover component of the pasture, the concentration of selenium in plants increased linearly with application rate. The selenium concentration in subterranean clover was lower than that in the other species in the pasture. Differences between years were large: in 1985, the concentration in plant material was twice that in 1983 and 1984. The dry summer feed had higher concentrations of selenium than the green pasture. The residual value of selenite was 25% in the first year and 15% in the second year. Adequate dietary levels of selenium for sheep would require an annual application of about 200 g sodium selenite/ha to these soils.

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