
The uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their cellular effects were investigated in the mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Seedlings were subjected to sediment oiling for three weeks. In the oiled treatment, the ƩPAHs was higher in roots (99%) than in leaves (1%). In roots, PAHs included phenanthrene (55%), acenaphthene (13%), fluorine (12%) and anthracene (8%). In leaves, PAHs possessed two to three rings and included acenaphthene (35%), naphthalene (33%), fluorine (18%) and phenanthrene (14%). In the roots, oil caused disorganization of cells in the root cap, meristem and conducting tissue. Oil contaminated cells were distorted and possessed large and irregularly shaped vacuoles. Ultrastructural changes included loss of cell contents and fragmentation of the nucleus and mitochondrion. In the leaves, oil caused dilation and distortion of chloroplasts and disintegration of grana and lamellae. Oil targets critical organelles such as nuclei, chloroplasts and mitochondria which are responsible for cell vitality and energy transformation.

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