
Low soil fertility strongly affects environmental sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) worldwide. Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) is a potential remedy for declining soil fertility. We addressed determinants of ISFM technologies and identified the sources of soil fertility information using cluster and ordered probit analyses in two counties of the Central Highlands of Kenya. In Tharaka-Nithi county, the uptake of ISFMclass1 (Animal manure +anti-erosion + inorganic fertilizer +crop rotation + legume intercrop), positively correlated with membership to cooperatives, religious groups, SACCOs, and ownership of wheelbarrow but negatively associated with gender, level of education, low farming experience and increased off-farm income. The uptake of ISFMclass2 (Compost +Tithonia diversifolia +minimum tillage +agroforestry + crop residue retention) significantly correlated with religious group membership and ownership of radio. The uptake of ISFMclass3 (sole green manure) positively correlated with a household with an adult offering outside labor but negatively associated with distance to agro-dealers. In Murang'a, ISFMclass2 (Animal manure +inorganic fertilizer +anti-erosion + legume intercrop) is positively associated with farmers' age, membership to cooperatives, television ownership, and access to handhoe and distance to tarmacked roads. Access to drought power, distance to tarmacked road, and buyers positively correlated with ISFMclass1 (Agroforestry +green manure +minimum tillage +crop residue retention + crop rotation). There was a positive correlation between access to drought power and uptake of ISFMclass3 that combined compost and Tithonia diversifolia. We conclude that the region's uptake of unique ISFM combinations is influenced by socioeconomic, bio-physical determinants, and farmers' perception of soil fertility status. We thus recommend that increased upscaling of uptake of unique combinations of ISFM technologies require robust collaboration among various local development stakeholders to address the prohibitive factors while strengthening enabling ones.

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