
The behaviour of insect vectors can be altered by the acquisition of plant viruses. Bemisia tabaci, which is the vector of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), causes damage to susceptible tomato cultivars. Here, the frequencies of several behavioural characteristics related to probing and feeding that are exhibited by non-viruliferous (NV) and TYLCV-viruliferous (V) adult B. tabaci were compared using a sandwich-type parafilm cage. The frequencies of behaviours such as wing flapping, leg movement, body shaking and body position change while settling and feeding on plant leaves were higher in V than in NV whiteflies. Evaluation of probing frequencies by measuring the number and size of holes punctured in parafilm by whiteflies revealed that most holes had a diameter of 7.5-26.7 µm, which is within the range of proboscis diameters of whiteflies. There were more small-sized holes than medium- and large-sized holes. Male whiteflies produced more small-sized holes, but females more mid-sized holes. V whiteflies showed increased hole numbers but decreased feeding duration relative to NV whiteflies. Adult B. tabaci showed higher frequencies of probing and feeding behaviours when infected with TYLCV. These manipulations of feeding behaviours of insect vectors may result in increased transmission of plant virus.

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