
Ashgill age graptolites have been collected from seven sections of the Cape Phillips Formation across most of its outcrop belt. The earliest graptolite zone recognisable is that of Orthograptus fastigatus. It is correla­ted with the Dicellograptus ornatus · Zone of the northern Canadian Cordilllera and the Dicellograptus complexus Subzone of the Dicel/ograptus anceps Zone of Great Britain although no dicellograptids have been found at any of the present sections. The overlying zone is that of Paraorthograptus pacificus, an ea­sily recognisable zone around much of the world. Graptolites of the C/imacograptus extraordinarius and Glyptograptus persculptus zones appear to be en­tirely absent from this formation. This is attributed to the Late Ordovician glaciation which has induced regression and submarine erosion in many areas worldwide. The earliest recognisable Silurian zone varies from section to section due to buried or barren intervals and/or hiatuses of varying length. The Parakidograptus acuminatus Zone has been recognised at only one section. At the others, the Atavograptus atavus, the Lagarograptus acinaces-Coronograptus gregarius, the Monograptus convolutus or the Monograptus spiralis Zone (s.1.) are the earliest recognisable Silurian fau­nas. Relatively low fauna! diversities in the Ashgill and lowest Llandovery portion of the section and the to­tal lack of dicellograptids are interpreted to be due to relatively shallow water, outer shelf or carbonate ramp depositional environment.

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