
The aim of the analysis is to confirm two hypotheses: the students (and their language teachers) of Novi Pazar schools understand the most diverse contents by the term culture, they know the elements of their culture and are capable of noticing similarities and differences between their culture and the culture of another ethnic group; students gladly study the ele- ments of culture in language classes. For the analysis, we used the data obtained by surveying students of primary and secondary schools in Novi Pazar, which was carried out in October of 2020-2021 school year, with open and closed type questions, in which 40 high school stu- dents, 43 elementary school students, and 35 language teachers participated. We analyzed the obtained results quantitatively, qualitatively, and comparatively, comparing the attitudes of students and teachers, which partially confirmed our initial hypotheses and accordingly pro- posed some ways to improve the intercultural competencies needed to work in multicultural environments, such as Novi Pazar, after all. Through research, we learn that students in Novi Pazar schools, especially primary schools, need to organize (more often) joint visits to sacred and cultural-historical monuments of Christian and Islamic tradition and culture in the area of ​​Novi Pazar and its surroundings, and the curriculum should foresee that students, when it comes to foreign languages, have meetings with native speakers of benefit students, in addi- tion to mastering the grammatical forms of a specific language (language competence), being interculturally competent and sensitive towards members of other cultures.

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