
The accuracy of determining atmospheric chemical mechanisms is a key factor in air pollution prediction, pollution-cause analysis and the development of control schemes based on air quality model simulations. However, the reaction of NH3 and OH to generate NH2 and its subsequent reactions are often ignored in the MOZART-4 chemical mechanism. To solve this problem, the gas-phase chemical mechanism of NH3 was updated in this study. Response surface methodology (RSM), integrated gas-phase reaction rate (IRR) diagnosis and process analysis (PA) were used to quantify the influence of the updated NH3 chemical mechanism on the O3 simulated concentration, the nonlinear response relationship of O3 and its precursors, the chemical reaction rate of O3 generation and the meteorological transport process. The results show that the updated NH3 chemical mechanism can reduce the error between the simulated and observed O3 concentrations and better simulate the O3 concentration. Compared with the Base scenario (original chemical mechanism simulated), the first-order term of NH3 in the Updated scenario (updated NH3 chemical mechanism simulated) in RSM passed the significance test (p < 0.05), indicating that NH3 emissions have an influence on the O3 simulation, and the effects of the updated NH3 chemical mechanism on NOx-VOC-O3 in different cities are different. In addition, the analysis of chemical reaction rate changes showed that NH3 can affect the generation of O3 by affecting the NOx concentration and NOx circulation with radicals of OH and HO2 in the Updated scenario, and the change of pollutant concentration in the atmosphere leads to the change of meteorological transmission, eventually leading to the reduction of O3 concentration in Beijing. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of atmospheric chemistry for air quality models to model atmospheric pollutants and should attract more research focus.

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