
 The production of pig manure waste potentially pollutes the soil, water and air. One of the most effective processing a waste treatments is through composting. The composting process takes a long time if not assisted by the activator as decomposers of organic materials in order to accelerate the composting process. Activators such as local microorganism (MOL) contain macro nutrients, micro and active microorganism that potentially decomposed organic materials, growth stimulants and pest/disease control agents such as to help speed up the composting process. This study aims to determine the C/N ratio of optimal raw materials for composting of pig manure and vegetable waste, determining the effect of adding local microorganism (MOL) to the length of time of composting and determining the effectiveness of business from composting of pig manure and vegetable waste based on the calculation of B/C ratio.
 This research uses quantitative approach with experiment method. The first stage is the preparation of the raw material which is divided into three groups : composition 1 with 75% (pig manure) and 25% (vegetable waste), composition 2 with 50% (pig manure) and 50% (vegetable waste) and then composition 3 with 25% (pig manure) and 75% (vegetable waste). Furthermore, the best raw material composition was treated with variations of MOL addition of A (100 ml), B (300 ml), C (500 ml) and D (without MOL).
 The results showed that the composition of the best raw material mixture was a mixture composition of 25% (pig manure) and 75% (vegetable waste) with a C/N ratio of 38.95. The effect of MOL addition indicates that the greater MOL volume the faster to composting process. The quality compost with addition of MOL has C/N ratio levels is (16,30), N-total (1,65%), P tersedia (8043,02 ppm), K tersedia (8857,40 ppm), Fe (1,87%), Mn (0,09%) Zn (480 ppm) in which that value meets the SNI 19-7030-2004. Based on analysis of B/C ratio obtained result of 1.04 where the value is approaching criteria B/C ratio more than 1.00 which means compost business feasible to be developed.
 Keywords : Pig manure, MOL, time of composting, composter, B/C ratio


  • The production of pig manure waste potentially pollutes the soil, water and air

  • The first stage is the preparation of the raw material which is divided into three groups: composition 1 with 75% and 25%, composition 2 with 50% and 50% and composition 3 with 25% and 75%

  • The best raw material composition was treated with variations of mikroorganisme lokal (MOL) addition of A (100 ml), B (300 ml), C (500 ml) and D

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Usaha ternak babi menjadi salah satu komoditas peternakan yang sangat potensial di Bali. Limbah kotoran hewan ternak sangat berpotensi sebagai sumber pupuk organik (Widjajanto dan Sumarsono, 2005; Sihombing, 2006). Larutan MOL mengandung unsur hara makro, mikro dan mikroorganisme aktif yang berpotensi sebagai pengurai bahan organik, perangsang pertumbuhan, dan agen pengendali hama dan penyakit sehingga dapat membantu mempercepat proses pengomposan Kelayakan usaha pembuatan kompos oleh kelompok petani di Desa Sumber Anyar, ditetapkan berdasarkan analisis B/C rasio. Nilai B/C rasio sebesar 3,05 menunjukkan bahwa usaha pembuatan kompos di Desa Sumber Anyar layak dikembangkan dan mampu memberikan penghasilan cukup baik bagi para petani. Perlu dilakukan analisis B/C rasio untuk membuktikan bahwa pembuatan kompos kotoran babi dan limbah sayuranlayak untuk dikembangkan oleh para petani. MOL (4) untuk menentukan kelayakan usaha pembuatan kompos kotoran babi dan limbah sayuran berdasarkan perhitungan B/C rasio

Suhu Kompos
Derajat Keasaman atau pH
Pengaruh Penambahan MOL terhadap Waktu Pengomposan
Simpulan Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan
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