
On 7 December 1970, the UN General Assembly passed resolution A/RES/ 2659 (XXV), establishing the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) as a volunteer- based programme and as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly of the United Nations. From 1971 onwards, UNV has placed about 300,000 professionally qualified and experienced experts into projects of multilateral co-operation. At present, around 8,000 volunteers (UNVs) are working in over 140 countries, about half in Africa. From 1992 until 2007 UNV volunteers have taken part in 44 peacekeeping operations, with over 11,300 volunteers completing more than 16,000 mission assignments during this period. UNV volunteers serve as civilian peacekeepers in special development situations within the areas of crisis and post-crisis humanitarian assistance, conflict prevention, peace-building and support to post-conflict electoral processes. Keywords: Africa; General Assembly Resolution; peacekeeping operations; United Nations Volunteers (UNV)

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