
Introduction: Death is certain for every living creature and everybody has totaste death but death caused by unnatural means leave a permanent scars on the soul ofsociety. Objective: To determine the pattern of unnatural deaths in Faisalabad during 2016.Study design: Retrospective study. Duration of Study: One year from 1/1/2016 to 31/12/2016.Sample Size: Total cases 288. Sample Technique: Convenient sampling. Material andMethod: Data was collected by analyzing the pre autopsy requisites, autopsy reports,admission charts, death certificates and reports from Punjab Forensic Science Agency frompostmortem unit of Faisalabad Medical University during the year 2016. Results: 288 autopsieswere performed during the year 2016,226 were male and 62 were females. The most proneages were from 10 years to 50 years that is 79.16 % of total cases and more specific age is20 years to 29 years (29.86%). The manner of death was, 142 cases were homicidal deathsand 98 cases accidental deaths were reported. The share of deaths caused by firearm injurieswas 119 cases, RTA induced deaths were 98 case and 19 cases were caused by poisoning.Conclusion: Most common causes of death were medicolegal injuries and among them firearminjuries remains on the top. Provision of speedy justice, inclusion of most modern techniquesduring investigation, free education, and reduction in unemployment and implementation oflaws without discrimination will help in decreasing the crime rate.

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