
Nigeria has long recognized the significance of university–industry linkage (UIL) not only as a critical driver in promoting the country’s science, technology and innovation agenda (STI) but also as a determinant of its global competitiveness in terms of economic development. Experts have reasoned that universities in Nigeria can serve as catalysts by performing their primary function of teaching and carrying out basic and applied research as well as conducting community services. This goal can be effectively achieved if the partnership is being facilitated by a robust enabling policy environment (EPE). It is in light of this that this study was conducted to assess the effect of UIL on innovative behaviour of universities, mediated by EPE within the context of national STI system of Nigeria. The study was built on the theoretical basis of the Triple Helix framework. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on Nigerian universities’ senior academics and officers, spreading across six geopolitical zones, serving as clusters for data collection. Composite index approach was used to determine the level of association and causality while Andrew F. Hayes’s process was used to measure the mediation effects among the study variables. The results show the existence of a positive correlation among the variables as well as that of causality and mediation. Policy-makers should encourage collaborations among players from both streams by providing an enabling environment that would foster innovation, transfer and the commercialization of knowledge.

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