
The study presents clinical and genetic analysis of a case of unilateral multifocal uveal choroidal melanoma in a patient of 67 years. Results of ophthalmoscopy, echography, fluorescent angiography, optical coherence tomography are described. Molecular genetic testing of peripheral blood samples was performed, including detection of the occurrences of CC genotype in C3435T polymorphism of the gene ABCB1/MDR1 associated with unfavorable vital prognosis. Analysis of the genes GNAQ and GNA11 revealed two mutually exclusive mutations in the genes GNAQG183A and GNAQA209C showing genetic heterogeneity of the two tumor lesions. Organ preservation treatment of unilateral multifocal uveal melanoma was proven possible with brachytherapy method. Uveal melanoma with multicentric growth is of interest to ophthalmologists because it requires differential diagnostics from a variety of diseases including metastases in the choroid, such as metastases of uveal melanoma and skin melanoma, as well as other intraocular neoplasms.

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