
Acute electrical stimulation of a specific area in the inferior collicular cortex produced bilateral collicular afterdischarge and symmetrical wild running seizures. However, generalized seizures induced by kindling the inferior collicular cortex did not alter the kindling rate in the contralateral side. Furthermore, after both sides of the inferior collicular cortex have been kindled unilateral electrolytic lesions did not alter the seizure initiation or generalization elicited from the contralateral side. Since GABAergic function has been implicated in inferior collicular seizures, potential seizure-induced changes were measured for the chloride channel ([ 35S]TBPS) and the benzodiazepine receptor ([ 3H]flunitrazepam). Prior kindling did not alter [ 35S]TBPS or [ 3H]flunitrazepam binding in the central nucleus or cortex of the inferior colliculus, the medial geniculate, or the deep prepiriform cortex. Thus, the permanent neural change that subserves seizure generalization from the inferior collicular cortex is unilateral, but this change is not reflected by altered binding characteristics of the GABA A receptor complex.

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