
There are many pathogen microbial species with very different antimicrobial drugs susceptibility. In this work, we selected pairs of antifungal drugs with similar/dissimilar species predicted-activity profile and represented it as a large network, which may be used to identify drugs with similar mechanism of action. Computational chemistry prediction of the biological activity based on quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) susbtantially increases the potentialities of this kind of networks, avoiding time and resource-consuming experiments. Unfortunately, most QSAR models are unspecific or predict activity against only one species. To solve this problem we developed a multispecies QSAR classification model, in which the outputs were the inputs of the aforementioned network. Overall model classification accuracy was 87.0% (161/185 compounds) in training, 83.4% (50/61) in validation, and 83.7% for 288 additional antifungal compounds used to extend model validation for network construction. The network predicted has 59 nodes (compounds), 648 edges (pairs of compounds with similar activity), low coverage density d = 37.8%, and distribution more close to normal than to exponential. These results are more characteristic of a not-overestimated random network, clustering different drug mechanisms of actions, than of a less useful power law network with few mechanisms (network hubs).

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