
Arteries remodel in response to environmental changes. We investigated whether mechanical strain modulates production of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9 by cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC). MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression were tested using human saphenous vein SMC cultured on silicone membranes at rest or subjected to physiological levels (5%) of stationary or cyclical (1 Hz) uniaxial strain. Compared with control, stationary strain significantly increased MMP-2 mRNA levels at all time points, whereas cyclic strain decreased it after 48 h. Both secreted and cell-associated pro-MMP-2 levels were increased by stationary strain at all times (P < 0.01), whereas cyclic strain decreased secreted levels after 48 h (P < 0.02). MMP-9 mRNA levels and pro-MMP-9 protein were increased after 48 h of stationary stretch (P < 0.01) compared with both no strain and cyclic strain. Our study indicates that vascular SMC show a selective response to different types of strain. We suggest that local increases in stationary mechanical strain resulting from stenting, hypertension, or atherosclerosis may lead to enhanced matrix degradation by SMC.

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