
Children aged 1-4 years are very vulnerable age group for the occurrence of diarrhea because physically still weak and behavior also can not practice their own patterns of PHBS and food hygiene so the higher risk of experiencing diarrhea. The research objective of understanding the influence of maternal know PHBs and hygiene of the food on the incidence of diarrhea in infants aged 1-4 years in the Village Tinalan II Puskesmas Pesantren Kediri. Research design observational with cross sectional approach. Respondents were drawn using simple random sampling technique. Population s emua mothers and toddlers aged 1 to 4 years amounted to 52 people, a sample of 46 independent responden. Variabel mother understanding of PHBs and food hygiene, vartiabel dependent incidence of diarrhea, then the results were analyzed using logistic regressionstatistical test. The results of the study half of respondents have p emahaman about katgori well PHBs with as many as 19 (41.3%) of respondents, majority of the respondents have an understanding of food hygenitas with kat e gori well as many as 24 (52.2%) of respondents, s ost respondents have children who do not develop diarrhea within 3 months tertakhir as many as 25 (54.3%) of respondents from a total of 50 respondents. The results of the data analysis shows p = 0:06 to understanding of PHBs, p = 0 .0 30 so that H1 is accepted as such there is the influence of maternal understanding of PHBs and hygiene of food on the incidence of diarrhea in infants aged 1-4 years in the Village of public health Pus Work Area Tinalan Pesantren II of Kediri. Increasingly good mother understanding of PHBs and hygiene of food will affect the mother's behavior to maintain a clean and healthy life behavior so that toddlers free dar diarrhea.

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